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We all know the routine by heart: ¡°Please your seats are in the upright position, tray tables stowed, window shades are up, laptops are stored in the overhead bins and electronic devices are set to mode.¡±

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Now, the first four are reasonable, right? Window shades need to be up so we can see if there¡¯s an emergency, such as fire. Tray tables need to be stowed and seats upright so we can get out of the row quickly. Laptops can become projectiles in an emergency, as the seat back pockets are not enough to them.

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And mobile phones need to be set to flight mode so they can¡¯t an for the airplane, right? Well, it depends whom you ask.

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Aviation navigation and communication relies on radio services, which has been coordinated to minimize interference since the 1920s.


The digital currently in use is much more advanced than some of the older analog technologies we used even 60 years ago. has shown electronic devices can emit a signal the same frequency band as the aircraft¡¯s communications and navigation systems, what is known as electromagnetic interference.

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But in 1992, the US Federal Aviation Authority and Boeing, in an study, investigated the use of electronic devices on aircraft interference and found no issues with computers or other personal electronic devices during non-critical phases of flight. (Takeoffs and landings are considered the phases.)

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The US Federal Communications Commission also began to reserved frequency bandwidths for different uses ¨C such as mobile phones and aircraft navigation and communications ¨C so they do not interfere with one another. Governments around the globe developed the same strategies and policies to interference problems with aviation. In the EU, electronic devices have been allowed to stay on since 2014.

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Why then, with these standards in place, has the aviation continued to ban the use of mobile phones? One of the problems lies with something you may not expect ¨C ground interference.


Wireless networks are connected by a of towers; the networks could become overloaded if passengers flying over these ground networks are all using their phones.

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Of course, when it comes to mobile networks, the biggest change in recent years is the move to a new standard. 5G wireless networks ¨C desirable for their higher speed data transfer ¨C have caused for many within the aviation industry.

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Radio frequency bandwidth is limited, yet we are still trying to more new devices to it. The aviation industry points out the 5G wireless network bandwidth spectrum is remarkably close to the reserved aviation bandwidth spectrum, which may cause interference with navigation systems near airports that assist with landing the aircraft.

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Besides, It be an inconvenience for cabin crew to wait for passengers to finish their call to ask if they would like any drinks or something to eat.

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in use ÔÚʹÓÃ

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years ago ¶àÄêÇ°

frequency band Ƶ´ø ; Ƶ´ø £¬²¨¶Î

navigation systems µ¼º½ÏµÍ³ ; µ¼ÀÀϵͳ

what is ÊÇʲô ; ʲôÊÇ ; ʲ÷á

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electromagnetic interference µç´Å×ÌÈÅ


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